Beginner Week 1

Beginner Week 1

3 Episodes

Whether you are just starting your fitness journey, getting back into the gym, or recently postpartum, this program is perfect for you!

If you are recently postpartum, your doctor should clear you (typically around 6 weeks PP) before starting this program.

Each week, you'll be led through 3 workouts designed to help you build a solid foundation. All workouts are strategically programmed to build strength using a progressive overload approach. This means you will complete 2-4 of the same moves weekly to see real changes. But don't worry about getting bored, every single workout is different.

Equipment Needed: 2 sets of dumbbells (one light & one medium weight), a miniband, a mat, and something for incline movements (box, bench, chair, stairs, etc.).

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Beginner Week 1